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What Should I Do If I've Been Harassed by a Payday Lender?

Payday lending is a predatory lending practice that targets low-income and financially vulnerable individuals. Payday lenders offer small, short-term loans with high interest rates and fees, often trapping borrowers in a cycle of debt.

What Should I Do If I've Been Harassed By A Payday Lender?

In the United States, payday lending is a $38 billion industry, with an estimated 12 million Americans taking out payday loans each year. The average payday loan is $375, with an average annual percentage rate (APR) of 391%. This means that a borrower who takes out a $375 payday loan will end up paying back $1,456 in interest and fees over the course of a year.

Payday lenders often use aggressive and harassing tactics to collect debts from borrowers. These tactics can include:

  • Repeated phone calls and text messages
  • Threats of legal action
  • Contacting employers or family members
  • Withdrawing funds from bank accounts without authorization

These tactics are illegal and can have a devastating impact on borrowers' lives. If you have been harassed by a payday lender, it is important to take action to stop the harassment.

Recognizing Payday Loan Harassment

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Payday lenders often use a variety of tactics to harass borrowers, including:

  • Repeated phone calls and text messages: Payday lenders may call or text borrowers multiple times a day, even at odd hours.
  • Threats of legal action: Payday lenders may threaten to sue borrowers or have them arrested if they do not repay their loans.
  • Contacting employers or family members: Payday lenders may contact borrowers' employers or family members to try to collect on debts.
  • Withdrawing funds from bank accounts without authorization: Payday lenders may withdraw funds from borrowers' bank accounts without their permission.

These tactics are illegal and can have a devastating impact on borrowers' lives. If you have been harassed by a payday lender, it is important to take action to stop the harassment.

Immediate Steps To Take

If you have been harassed by a payday lender, there are a few things you can do to stop the harassment:

  • Document the harassment: Keep a record of all communications with the payday lender, including phone calls, text messages, and emails. Note the date, time, and content of each communication.
  • Contact the payday lender and demand that they stop the harassment: Send a cease-and-desist letter to the lender, outlining the harassment and demanding that it stop immediately. Keep a copy of the letter for your records.
  • Report the harassment to the authorities: File a complaint with the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) or your state's attorney general's office. Provide detailed information about the harassment and any documentation you have gathered.

Long-Term Solutions

In addition to taking immediate steps to stop the harassment, you may also want to consider taking the following long-term solutions:

  • Seek legal assistance: Consult with a consumer protection attorney to discuss your options for taking legal action against the payday lender. Consider filing a lawsuit to recover damages and stop the harassment.
  • Rebuild your credit: Pay off your payday loan debt as soon as possible. Work on improving your credit score by making timely payments on other debts and managing your finances responsibly.
  • Educate yourself about predatory lending: Learn about the risks of payday loans and other predatory lending practices. Share your knowledge with others to help prevent them from becoming victims of harassment.

Payday loan harassment is a serious problem that can have a devastating impact on borrowers' lives. If you have been harassed by a payday lender, it is important to take action to stop the harassment. There are a number of resources available to assist you, including the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) and your state's attorney general's office.

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